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Effortless Entertaining with RootCellar Concepts

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计

(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

In a busy, bustling vacation home kitchen, 宽敞的空间和轻松的效率是让聚会对每个人都有趣的关键——包括主人! When Jenny and Kip Adams, homeowners of this Stowe, VT ski house, 考虑如何配置他们的厨房来支持他们对烹饪和娱乐的热爱, installing a RootCellar was the perfect solution.

设备齐全的步入式冷藏储藏室和冷冻室拥有一系列实际的好处, including flexible storage solutions, a wholly visible food supply, video-monitored stock levels, the capacity to handle large platters & bulk items all in one place and more. 同时也被它接待家人和朋友的功能迷住了, they really appreciated its aesthetic appeal.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

“能够将RootCellar定制为我们想要的整体外观和感觉,这真的很好,” says Jenny. “因为这是一个滑雪之家,我们想要暖色调和佛蒙特州的质朴感.”

是什么让它很容易整合到设计的RootCellar是它的专利, 免提口袋门,以配合现有的橱柜或补充其他厨房设计元素, making it a designer’s dream. In this space, RootCellar门的外部采用了同样温暖的橱柜面板和装饰,这些装饰是由整个住宅中随处可见的粗切木材制成的.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

Without large, 不锈钢制冷装置阻断水流, 这里有一种宁静的感觉,反映了周围的自然.  珍妮分享道:“我喜欢RootCellar的完美融合。. “It makes everything feel a bit roomier.”

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

虽然没有两个RootCellar的门是相同的,但室内设计有更多的可能性. From ceilings and flooring, to shelving and hardware, RootCellar内部的每个方面都是可定制的. 大型黑色石灰石瓷砖与深色灌浆相搭配,创造出单色的外观, complementing the home’s abundance of natural stone. 时尚的外观贯穿整个天花板和冷冻空间, and features easy-to-clean floating glass shelving.

rootcellar concepts, Stowe VT, refrigerated pantry(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

“I can quickly and easily see everything we have. 它不像我们家里的东西一般藏在冰箱里那样藏在后面,”珍妮说. “这使得购物更有效率,因为我确切地知道我需要买什么,而且我不会把假期时间用在多次去杂货店上.” By installing a webcam, supplies can be monitored remotely, 让你更容易为周末外出购物或为大家庭和朋友的来访做准备.

“RootCellar已经改变了娱乐的游戏规则,”珍妮说. 对于一个大家庭来说,烹饪和娱乐是他们度假体验的重要组成部分. 从感恩节大餐到圣诞晚会和复活节早午餐, they have welcomed over 30 guests into her home, 事实证明,在这些场合,RootCellar是不可或缺的.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,远程库存水平监控(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

“我注意到的最大好处之一是,我可以提前准备好所有的东西,并有足够的空间来存放它们.“RootCellar提供了充足的空间来存放准备好放入烤箱的预制菜肴, they can savor more quality time with their guests, who are provided with an easy, 欢迎打开和存储他们对每次聚会的贡献的地方. "You just have a space for everything," Jenny explains, “这真的能让我腾出时间和家人在一起,因为我有房间和空间提前做这件事。."

The RootCellar is more than just a functional addition; it's a conversation starter. 当他们打开带有传感器按钮的自动口袋门时, guests marvel at its ingenuity, intrigued to explore its elegant (and highly organized!) interior. "The RootCellar is definitely a ‘wow feature’," Jenny affirms, 呼应了所有发现这个高级豪华厨房必需品的人的情绪.


(Additional project credits - Tile: Brian Eskew, Electric: Avery Gaudette, Plumber: Tim King, Lead Carpenter: Jay Touchette)

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