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Venegas and Company

477 Harrison Ave, Floor 2
Boston, MA 02118
(617) 439-8800
Company Profile: 

Donna Venegas

The Team at Venegas and Company专门从事豪华家居橱柜的设计、施工和安装.




Led by Donna Venegas, 该团队以周到的设计和创新的产品为房主提供真正个性化的体验, creative, and comfortable environment. 


Women owned and operated since 2009, Venegas与新英格兰最好的室内设计师合作, Architects, and Custom Builders.


By appointment only.


Visit Venegas and Company to learn more.

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Venegas and company

As Featured In...

venegas and company, range hoods
抽油烟机是厨房的天然中心,所以为什么不把它做得很棒呢? With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and materials available, 抽油烟机是一个完美的机会,使一个时尚的声明. Whether designed to blend into the backsplash, or set up to stand out, 一个惊人的抽油烟机可以在厨房里营造出令人难以置信的氛围. Read on to see some of our favorites! Venegas...
SV Design; Venegas and Company; Ngoc X Doan Photography
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According to kitchen designer Donna Venegas, 终极厨房是为客户的生活方式提供便利的厨房, there is no one right answer. 然而,有一个共同点,她说:“每个客户都希望有更多的时间!” The answer? Efficiency. “If things are easy to find, 如果设计创建了逻辑流并提供了组织, cooking becomes more fun, and ultimately saves...
Boston Design Week 2020's Fall Season Sept. 30-Oct. 18
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