

Mac Davis地板定制欧洲橡木地板

麦克·戴维斯 Mac Davis地板 knows the importance of laying the groundwork and building relationships. 他是在地板世界长大的, 在他父亲手下工作, 并带来了教育, as well as what he’s gleaned from his continued studies as a certified installer and finisher through the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA), 他自己的硬木地板生意, 在南塔开特和奥斯特维尔都很盛行, with the opening of a second showroom on the mainland. 

Mac Davis地板's new Osterville showroom on 角 Cod


Mac’s father is now working under his son’s company mantle, 这是合适的, 考虑到麦克和他的父亲——确实如此, the entire Mac Davis team—treat every client as family. “Between my father and me, we’ve redone homes three and four times,” says Mac. “We try to connect with everybody and have a lifelong relationship.”

Mac Davis地板 custom hardwood flooring reflects the client's lifestyle

What Mac calls the “trust factor” is a key part of the culture at Mac Davis地板,它会告诉他们所做的一切. 对于初学者来说, they take a good long look at the client’s lifestyle before suggesting a flooring product and custom finish. 他们有狗吗? 他们娱乐吗?? 沙脚是日常生活的一部分吗? 作为安装和完成人员, they have the know-how and skin-in-the-game perspective that comes from actually doing the work, 不仅仅是卖. 虽然, 话虽如此, Mac Davis地板 can supply flooring anywhere in the world, 从纽伯里波特到加州, and suggest a certified installer or finisher from its vast network of connections. “We always try to provide people with a floor that can be maintained,” says Mac. “这就是区别.”

Engineered European white oak flooring with a Hoicks Hollow finish by Mac Davis地板

Engineered European White Oak flooring prefinished in Hoicks Hollow

质量也是如此. 通过他与NWFA的关系, Mac “has access to the best material in the world,” and he regularly travels overseas to Germany and Poland, and sources much of his European oak flooring from Italy, 法国和德国. 虽然 Mac Davis does offer engineered and solid American oak, 还有乙烯地板, he finds the European harvestry to be unparalleled. When it comes to lumber, the United States is a little cousin, he explains. “在美国, 橡树每60到80年被砍伐一次, 而德国是120到150年, so they’re a lot denser material and the trees aren’t harvested as fast.” He also finds European oak, with its four cuts or live sawn method, to be a bit more elegant.

Mac Davis地板 European white oak flooring prefinished in Hoicks Hollow Engineered European White Oak flooring prefinished in Hoicks Hollow

在过去的五年里, Mac Davis地板 has seen a trend toward engineered European oak flooring, which boasts the “same sandable surface as a traditional three-quarter-inch floor but it’s not affected by conditions as much,他解释道. There is a lot in the market that’s called European oak, “but that doesn’t mean it’s the same quality as ours,Mac继续说. 麦克去了磨坊, 看看木材是如何叠层的, and ensures that the floorboards are put together with the proper glues and adhesives. 他和他的销售人员, many of whom are also certified and average 10 to 12 years in the company, “知道什么是真正的好产品, 这就是我们要提供的,他说. 

Safeguarding their flooring with groundbreaking technologies is also an ongoing practice. Mac Davis地板 incorporates “smart floor technology” that reads the relative humidity, moisture content and temperature to ensure that the wood floors, 或者任何木制品, 保持在西北气象局规定的参数范围内, 保护房主的投资. 这在楠塔基特岛特别有用, where 80 percent of the homes are seasonal and shut down in the off-season, only to have the heat cranked way up if painting or work needs to be done. The company is also experimenting with LED cured flooring, where the flooring is “immediately cured the second the light passes over it.“在安装和交付之前, Mac Davis地板 determines that a home is ready for flooring, 而且只使用市场上最好的粘合剂. 麦克说:“我不喜欢走捷径.”

Mac Davis地板 custom hardwood colors and finishes

Mac Davis地板定制饰面

Yet it is the beauty of the brand for which Mac Davis地板 is perhaps best known. With approximately 32 custom colors in the showroom as well as its prefinished flooring, Mac Davis has created hues that are named for and conjure Nantucket’s atmospheric vistas. 从烟, heavily cerused grays or “fumy” tawny beiges with white overlays, 去海滩, 洁白的白色配上老派的栗色, 颜色的变化似乎无穷无尽. 仍然, 他准备创作新的色彩, 他的股票, adding that the architects and designers he often works with are always looking for something fresh to build from. “People will come in for samples before the house is framed,” he laughs, though it makes good sense. After all, says Mac, “it’s what you walk on and what you see every single day.”
