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Knowing the Ropes: Rugged Good Looks

Casabella Interiors设计的带绳子的客房

Recently, 我们注意到,沿海地区的室内设计在他们的生活空间中包含了一些质朴的暗示,并在他们独一无二的房间里使用了小尺寸的绳子. 耐寒的元素是一个完美的衬托,更精致的生活空间的特点, 建立一种设计上的拔河比赛,可以是非常迷人的. 


Interior design by Martha's Vineyard Interior Design; photo by Eric Roth

Liz Stiving-Nichols,首席兼高级设计师 Martha’s Vineyard Interior Design, 她解释说,在沿海环境中生活和工作当然为她的许多客户的家提供了灵感. 她的室内设计工作室“喜欢给我们的沿海环境一个微妙的点头,而不是过分或更糟……建立一个主题。!她的建议无价之宝,一语双关.


Interior design by Martha's Vineyard Interior Design; photo by Eric Roth

“When adding coastal elements, 这一切都是365体育官网客户端微妙之处,创造一个毫不费力的纹理和形状的平衡,” Stiving-Nichols continues. 就像上述设计中的控制台桌或前面展示的泳池边派对谷仓中用绳子强调的水泥边桌/凳子一样, “将质朴的绳索融入更精致的材料调色板中,达到了平衡.” 


Interior design by Martha's Vineyard Interior Design; photo by Eric Roth

作为一种多维中性,绳子适合柔和的调色板和充满活力的颜色. In the above design for an Edgartown home, Stiving-Nichols通过使用三层绳鼓吊灯为生活空间带来质感, 还有蓝绿色的克拉维特面料,上面绣着绳子,装饰着椅子的两边.

由Washashore Home设计的海岸化妆室

Interior design by Washashore Home; photo by Dan Cutrona

In a tiny powder bath conceived by Washashore Home, pictured above, 一面用绳子框起来的镜子,为蓝白相间的梦幻壁纸增添了活力,让美人鱼游弋其间, octopi, whales and lighthouses. More cinnamon than driftwood in hue, 绳镜带来了不同的纹理层,同时仍然发挥了航海主题,” contends Owner and Designer Peyton Lambton, 谁和同为业主/设计师的莎拉·沃尔多一起领导设计工作室. “我们觉得纸和镜子是为彼此而生的!”

由Casabella Interiors设计的带有绳索的海滩家庭客房

Interior design by Casabella Interiors; photo by Richard Gayle Photography

Rope还为另一个较小规模的空间提供了额外的奇思妙想, a guest bedroom designed by Casabella Interiors for a 1,008-square-foot, 三间卧室的房子就在海滩上, says owner Michele Chagnon-Holbrook. In a home this small, “every inch matters,” says the designer; and, 考虑到“你从甲板上走出来,发现你的脚在沙子里。,” so does every bedroom, she adds.

因为有一个钥匙窗(和床一起移到了中间), a headboard wouldn't work, explains Holbrook, so Casabella Interiors dreamed up a “suspended,” queen-sized bed that reads like a swing, 创造一种“精致和海洋灵感”的外观, but not typical, like planks or shiplap,” she says. 设计工作室制作了一个固定的平台,并用打结的绳索和钩子将盒子固定在天花板上. The firm was thoughtful in their approach; they purchased the rope from a marine store for authenticity, 用手打结,认为这是正确的尺度. 

科德角上下铺由BPC Architecture设计

Designed by BPC Architecture + Interior Design

A Cape Cod bunk room, designed by BPC Architecture + Interior Design 对于年轻的威风侠士来说,它将绳的优点提升到了一个新的高度. 建筑公司在白色的木质睡眠空间中使用了几根绳子, wrapping it around a pier newel post, 楼梯栏杆,一直延伸到阁楼. 

科德角上下铺由BPC Architecture设计

Designed by BPC Architecture + Interior Design

绳子的美感与铺位间漂亮的内置家具是自然的, wood flooring and ceiling, and the woven panels of the doors. It is functional, too; rope takes the form of monkey’s fist doorstops at the foot of each door and as safety rails for the top bunks so that occupants won’t go bump in the night. 

Bespoke Abode, 玛莎葡萄园室内设计公司创立的葡萄园港中心的季节性生活方式精品店, features furniture, lamps and home accents that incorporate rope. 如上图右图所示,柚木和绳箍椅非常受欢迎. 这家店位于葡萄园港主街56号,营业时间为每天上午10点至下午5点.

Pictured top: Interior Design by Casabella Interiors; photography by Richard Gayle Photography

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