


“Everyone likes modern cars and modern fashion, why not modern architecture?学校校长阿道夫·佩雷斯(Adolfo Perez)沉思道 Adolfo Perez建筑事务所, who is known throughout New England for his contemporary constructs. “To say you don’t like modern architecture just doesn’t make sense to me as an aesthetic choice.”

Many of the style’s hallmarks—an inherent relationship to site, 对材料的专注, 一种真正的室内外关系, a flat roof—can become pastiches if not well thought out. 佩雷斯的情况并非如此. With all of his architecture, he ruminates over details large and small. 在海边的曼彻斯特有个新家, perched atop a cliff overlooking the rocky terrain and tides of the Atlantic, 是他美学方法的缩影.


的总裁Paul Reidt说 Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商 (KR+H), who worked on the project, “Adolfo can go from the global to a molecular level of detail.” Which, for this home, meant “a very crisp modernist detailing and an exacting vocabulary.”

The home’s exterior represents the global end of the spectrum. “我们都同意房子必须是石头的,佩雷斯说。, who selected granite due to the pronounced stone outcropping fringed by thickets of vegetation. Perez would have gone darker yet to reflect the palisades, 但客户更喜欢浅灰色. The granite chosen has an organic appeal that speaks to its site, 以及永恒, 佩雷斯说,, 还有风吹太阳照的氛围.

屋顶是免维护的镀铅铜屋顶. Where others in New England have a predilection for wood, 瓦片或隔板, 佩雷斯用的是灰泥, stone and lead-coated zinc—“durable materials that can stand the test of time.”


The stair is the knuckle of the home and takes a sculptural shape. The travertine floor comes from a full block from Italy that was dry laid and numbered. Its connected veining is "unlike any other project," says Peng.

佩雷斯使用材料来推进设计. His choices are integral to the structure, sculptural even. “This same house rendered in wood or plaster wouldn’t look the same,” he says. Besides, granite, steel and glass have an essential nature, he continues. “他们没有试图成为他们不是的任何东西.”


The limestone fireplace commands attention as the focal point in the room and serves as an architectural divider. It is designed and detailed differently, one side to the other, with a beautiful bench feature by Cumar公司.

Glass was a must for this private home that drinks in the azure waters at its feet. 大家都说, 环境很精致, rife with cantilevered spaces that take you closer still to the elements. 佩雷斯说:“这座房子是为景观服务的。. “风景就是一切. 房子几乎是附带的.”

The house's many seating areas have distinct designs and purposes within its open plan. This allows the homeowner to experience the living spaces in many different ways—from convening at the dinner table to quietly reading a book by the ocean.

The architect doesn’t see the structure as modern with a capital “M,无疑是因为房主们无所畏惧, credit reidt -在汉密尔顿留下了一个传统的家, 为了这个清洁, 海边的极简主义新家. Perez, together with interior designer Meichi Peng of Meichi Peng设计工作室, called for interior architecture that is as crisp as can be, 使用丰富的石材材料, wood and tile in ways that keep the surfaces simple, 表格无缝衔接,令人欣赏.


The contemporary kitchen was zoned specifically to take full advantage of the home's main asset—the ocean. The rectangular layout has a "sociable arrangement" with dual islands topped by hardy quartzite by Cumar公司. 两头都是瀑布. The counters echo the limestone and tile installed by 安装+ of the hearth.

在厨房里, KR+H sank its teeth into the modernist details and finishes selected by Peng, 比如“自信”的石英岩台面, an absence of hardware (and the complications thereof), and shelving fronted by clear and back-painted glass, 这是, 通常, 这可不是做橱柜的料. 对随便的观察者来说, 现代主义的细节可能看起来很简单, 但事实并非如此,Reidt解释道, 向分子点头致意. “每一个细节都发挥着作用.”

对于家具, 彭采取了更温和的方法, using the interior design scheme to reconcile the clients’ two disparate worlds. Peng struck a transitional balance within the homeowners’ comfort zone that also ties in the cherished, 他们以前家里的经典艺术品收藏. “We didn’t go for slick, modern furniture,” maintains Peng. “We wanted a clean, modern look, but with a softness.从这个意义上说, the furnishings became a bridge between the artwork and the contemporary interior, 艺术也因此变得更好了, 强调了彭, 因为对比.

"There is a misconception that contemporary interior design is hard and unfriendly. 我想改变这种看法. You can do a contemporary design that is comfortable and soft.——彭美驰


The bedroom overhangs the ocean and revels in the view. The glass balconies nearly disappear but are essential, 佩雷斯说,. "When you do floor-to-ceiling glass, you have to open up to something." 

The home’s monochromatic palette was driven by the landscape, with pale sea foam colors that stretch from one room to the next. The overarching concept reflects the “tranquility of the space,彭说。, 以及外部环境. 它明亮通风, 并受到海洋景色的启发, 岩层和遗址的自然色彩.


师: Adolfo Perez建筑事务所; Builder: 卡波维奇建筑承包商; 室内设计: Meichi Peng设计工作室; Kitchen Cabinetry: Kochman Reidt + Haigh; Millwork: 赫里克 & 白色建筑木工; Stone: Cumar公司.; Tile Installation: 安装+; Technology Consultant: Eric Thompson; 景观 师: 禅宗的同事

