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Uniquely Renovated Shingled Cape Cod Home

Digs Design Mudge Chatham Kitchen. Photo: Greg Premru
查塔姆这所房子的主人看到街那头邻居的房子, 他们立即询问设计师的名字, hoping for a similar look. 然而,设计师告诉他们,每个客户都有一个独特的设计. “我们注意到每个项目都有自己独特的设计元素,尊重客户的生活方式,” says Jocelyn Chiappone, owner of Digs Design Company
这位设计师加入了一对父子,泰德·斯宾塞和马特·斯宾塞 Spencer & Company, to create a forever home for the empty nester couple. “It started out as an expansion and remodel project. 在拆除过程中,我们遇到了地基的意外问题, so the team decided to start fresh with a new foundation,” Matt says. “我们能够使用最初的扩建计划, 并直接与客户合作,在必要时进行调整.”
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Front Exterior. Photo: Greg Premru
On the exterior, Thomas Mulcahy of Mulcahy Design Group 沿着新英格兰田野石建造的挡土墙,用黄杨木和绣球花的线性种植加强了正式的前立面. Out back, 一系列露台将房子一楼的露台与主泳池露台连接起来, where glass rails & the infinity edge pool maximizes the view. “我们提出了有效的设计方案来补充建筑 & harmonize with the natural landscape,” Mulcahy says.
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Pool (left) and BBQ (right). Photo: Greg Premru
chiapone将引人注目的建筑细节融入了经典的瓦式住宅的内部. 优雅的楼梯,带有奇本代尔风格的雕花栏杆, for instance, 入口和二楼平台是焦点吗. “The gain is dramatic,” Matt says. “It really changes the whole house.” Still, nothing is overdone. “设计是流线型的,但有一种令人兴奋的感觉,”基亚彭断言.
色彩和图案在提升设计方面起着重要作用. 而不是倾向于典型的蓝色和白色的科德角调色板,向航海主题致敬, Chiappone选择了一种既复杂又具有战略意义的分层方案. While the entry is light and airy, 隔壁的办公室富丽而舒适,这要归功于深青色的嵌入式家具和中式风格的椅子内饰. chiapone说:“这个色彩缤纷、舒适的空间是工作和看电视的完美空间。.
餐厅里的高光黑色吧台衬托出了那种橱柜风格, 完整的拱形玻璃前面的上层橱柜框架一个引人注目的抛光黄铜和玻璃架子. “我们没有重复一面墙的白色橱柜,而是选择了带有黄铜口音的高光泽黑色,” Chiappone says. “It is a great wow moment when entertaining.”

而不是倾向于典型的蓝色和白色的科德角调色板,向航海主题致敬, Chiappone选择了一种既复杂又具有战略意义的分层方案.

抛光的黄铜装饰为永恒的白色厨房注入了魅力. 餐厅的中心是La Cornue系列,基亚彭鼓励顾客点青瓷的. The cosmopolitan hue informed the celadon coffee bar tucked beyond a Moorish arch; another of the designer’s architectural flourishes. “我们制作了一个门框宽度的胶合板模板,然后在门框周围建造薄板岩,” Matt says in regards to the construction process. Jutras Woodworking根据Chiappone的设计,在这两个空间中制作了橱柜.
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Kitchen. Photo: Greg Premru
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Coffee Bar. Photo: Greg Premru
The open concept plan flows beautifully. 利兹·罗奇(Liz Roache)设计的现代黑白艺术品将人们的目光吸引到了客厅. Here, barely-there blues blossom into deeper, 更清晰的紫蓝色色调与厨房的印花相得益彰, 沙质木材色调和天然纤维强化了沿海地区. Chiappone将柔软的条纹和经典的格子图案与有趣的花朵和修剪过的图案混合在一起,
almost painterly embroidered drapes. “I don’t rely on go-to styles,” the designer says. “Fabrics are like fashion; I can’t wait for new collections to come out.”
Digs Design Mudge Chatham客厅(左)及入口/办公室(右). Photo: Greg Premru
Chiappone更深入地研究了家庭私人空间的色彩和图案. “Each bath tells its own story,” she says. 主层的化妆室很优雅,以伯尔木梳妆台和剑麻壁纸为特色. The one in the basement, meanwhile, 用橙色的救生衣壁纸和一面复古的藤质镜子来营造复古的露营氛围. Upstairs, a bold guest bath plays with red, white, and blue, 展示了一群在淋浴的鱼和墙上的超大图案. chiapone解释说:“这些流行的色彩吸引了年轻一代的游客. “Laundry rooms are the new powder rooms!”
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Bathrooms 1-4. Photo: Greg Premru
The primary suite, however, is absolutely serene. For this bath, Chiappone curated a mix of modern and classic materials, 包括水磨石地板和卡拉卡塔大理石台面. The nuanced, monochromatic palette continues in the bedroom, from the chunky, 渔夫毛衣式的地毯和教堂的v形凹槽天花板. 层层叠叠的色调印花和有质感的有机配饰增强了平静感. “在忙碌了一天的喧嚣之后,他们可以走进来,大叹一声,”基亚彭说. “然后,在早上,他们可以醒来,看着外面的水,掐自己.”
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Master Bathroom. Photo: Greg Premru
Digs Design Mudge Chatham Masterbedroom. Photo: Greg Premru
Architecture: Karen B. Kempton Architecture 
Construction: Spencer & Company 
Interior Design: Digs Design Company
Landscape Design: Mulcahy Design Group
Landscape: North Chatham Landscaping
Writer: Marni Elyse Katz
Stylist: Karin Lidbeck Brent 
Photography: Greg Premru

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